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Spec status: Useful and ready to go. Take it, modify it, use it. (CC-BY-SA) Note: The image extension is experimental.


A tiny domain-specific language (DSL) to find and download in REST-like APIs. Queries are highly readable, requiring no percent-encoding.

An example is worth 10k words:

GET https://things.tld/foods\

The query above finds foods with name ending in “apple” and either type “fruit” or weight (in grams) less than 5. It sorts by name, then by purchase_date in descending order.


Pagination is not described but is probably useful.


The language must:

  • Be easy to write and easy to implement.
  • Be able to represent most data search and download requests.
  • Be self-documenting, be highly readable, and have URI-safe queries. __ †
  • Have a unique and easy-to-calculate normal form.
  • Yield high cache hit rates even for non-normalized queries.
  • Support filtering that:
  • Handles nested keys; e.g. key.subkey == "yes".
  • Includes =, <, >, an existence operator, and regex matching.
  • Support logical AND/OR.
  • Support requesting any subset of fields.
  • Support sorting by any number of fields.


It does not need to:

  • Be as powerful as SQL for search.
  • Be as powerful as GraphQL for download.

† URI safety

This means that percent-encoding is not needed (with some exceptions, such as in regex patterns). You only need to escape characters in the regex class [:/?#[]@] inside a URI query (query component). See URI-safe characters for a dive into the URI RFCs.

Conjuctive normal form

The grammar restricts queries to conjunctive normal form. This removes any need for parentheses. By reducing the number of ways to write a query, it also increases the likelihood of a cache hit.


This includes optional extensions for images.

Using bnf-with-regex:

Main grammar

param          = where | return | sort
where          = 'where[' INDEX ']=' condition ('|' condition)*
where          = param-defn condition ('|' condition)*
param-defn     = 'where' '(' INDEX ')' '='
condition      = key ':' STR-VERB ':' STR
               | spec(STR-VERB) STR
               | spec(INT-VERB) INT
               | spec(FLOAT-VERB) FLOAT
               | spec(BOOLEAN-VERB) BOOLEAN
               | spec(DATETIME-VERB) DATETIME
               | spec(DEFINED-VERB) BOOLEAN
               | spec(CONTAINS-VERB) (STR | INT | BOOLEAN)
               | spec(SIZE-VERB) LITERAL-NONNEG-INT
               | spec(KEY-VERB) key

spec(verb)     = key ':' verb ':'
return         = 'return=' key ('|' key)*
sort           = 'sort-by=' sort-spec ('|' sort-spec)*
sort-spec      = ASCENDING? key
key            = KEY-NODE ( '.' KEY-NODE )*
STR-VERB       = 'eq' | 'neq' | 'regex'
INT-VERB       = 'eq' | 'neq' | 'lt' | 'gt' | 'le' | 'ge'
FLOAT-VERB     = 'lt' | 'gt' | 'le' | 'ge'
DEFINED-VERB   = 'defined'
CONTAINS-VERB  = 'has-value' | 'lacks-value'
SIZE-VERB      = 'has-size' | 'has-min-size' | 'has-max-size'
KEY-VERB       = 'eq-key' | 'neq-key' | 'lt-key' | 'gt-key' | 'le-key' | 'ge-key' | 'in-key'
KEY-NODE       = [A-Za-z0-9_-]+
ASCENDING      = '-'
STR            = ( NORMAL-CHAR | SPECIAL-CHAR | '%' OCTET )+
SPECIAL-CHAR   = [=!$()*+,/?]


Although this grammar allows reserved characters in keys, avoid them where possible.

Image extension

param          = where | return | sort | crop | scale | rotate

crop           = 'crop=' ( coordinate=top-left 'x' coordinate=bottom-right )
scale          = 'scale=' ( INT | '1/' INT )
rotate         = 'rotate=' ( ROTATE | FLIP )
coordinate     = '(' INT ',' INT ')'
ROTATE         = '90' | '180' | '270'
FLIP           = 'flip-x' | 'flip-y' | 'flip-top-left' | 'flip-top-right'


GET https://things.tld/food?where=type:eq:fruit|grams:lt:5.0&where=name:regex:.+?apple
Content-Type: text/json


If you dislike exploded query paramters (i.e. key=value-1&key=value-2), consider appending (n) to the each key; e.g. where(1)=...&where(2)=.... This is differs from the form-field paramter convention of [], but there’s really no need to follow that, and () doesn’t need percent-encoding.


To normalize a URI:

  1. Extract the query arguments (key–value pairs). These must, of course, be order-independent.
  2. Sort the arguments lexicographically (per the order in Unicode).
  3. Re-number any where(.) parameters.
  4. Stitch the URI back together.


Returning to the fruit example:

  1. Extract type:eq:fruit|grams:lt:5.0 and name:regex:.+?apple.
  2. Sort. n comes before t, so the order should be reversed.
  3. Set where=name:regex:.+?apple and where=type:eq:fruit|grams:lt:5.0.
  4. Concatentate to get https://things.tld/food?where=name:regex:.+?apple&where=type:eq:fruit|grams:lt:5.0



For caching, some request headers may need to be used in the caching logic. For example, If-Match may need to be handled along with ETag. None of this is shown here.


The client can cache each GET request and response. If queries area always written the same way, this works well. However, a client may GET /resource?where=<<1>>&where=<<2>>, then later /resource?where=<<2>>&where=<<1>>, thereby bypassing the cache. No recommendation is made to avoid that.


If caching, use a multi-key (many-to-one) cache with URIs as the keys.

  1. Check the URI U against the cache C.
  2. If not found, compute the normalized URI N. If N is in C with response R, add (C, R) to N.
  3. Compute the response R. Add (U, R) and (N, R) to C.

JSON dual

The DSL has a JSON array dual:

    "key": "grams",
    "verb": "lt",
    "value": 5
    "key": "type",
    "verb": "eq",
    "value": "fruit"
    "key": "name",
    "verb": "regex",
    "value": ".+?apple"

Starting at nesting level \(L=0\), the operator is AND for even \(L\) and OR for odd \(L\).



Choose to implement one or both of these:

  • where=<<1>>&where=<<2>>
  • where(1)=<<1>>&where(2)=<<2>>

Refer to the grammar for details on this parameter.


List the fields to return ala GraphQL. Field names are delimited by |, which signals union.


return=author|metadata.version requests the JSON object author and the string version under metadata.


Sort by one or more keys, delimited by | and listed from high to low precedence. Prepending - to a key reverses the sort order. For|, is in descending order, and is used to break ties. Note that a total ordering is guaranteed if and only if at least one field is unique for all records.



Two options are acceptable. However, supporting both is discouraged.

  • /api/image/{id}{suffix}. This is not very resource-oriented †, but it is convenient and obvious. Example: /api/image/9hfzk2lr-01.avif
  • format={format}. This is more common in REST-like APIs. Example: /api/image/9hfzk2lr-01.webp

Specifically, we’ll term an API resource-oriented if URIs represent the same resource iff they have the same path.


Extracts a rectangular subregion of an image, specified in terms of pixels. Syntax: (top,left)x(bottom,right)


Scales both dimensions by a factor. The syntax is scale=(\d+) to upscale and scale=1/(\d+) to downscale. Examples:

  • scale=2 doubles the size.
  • scale=1/2 halves the size.


This preserves relative magnitudes. 1/40 reveals the intent (divide by 40) more clearly than 0.025.


Rotations and reflections are supported by a single parameter, rotate, an enum of 7 values.

Yes, rotate isn’t exactly correct here. Alternatives considered included orient (vague) and view (also vague). To fulfill our uniqueness requirement, rotate=0 is not allowed.

rotate= effect
`` none / identity
90 rotate 90 degrees clockwise
180 rotate 180 degrees clockwise
270 rotate 270 degrees clockwise
flip-x flip horizontally
flip-y flip vertically
flip-top-left flip top-left to bottom-right
flip-top-right flip top-right to bottom-left