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Duck typing is quackery

Apologies for the pun, and to Phil Haack, who beat me to it.

What is duck typing?

Duck typing is a dynamic type system, popularized by Python and Ruby, that applies the duck test:

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it is probably a duck.

In programming, the duck test becomes:

If it has no-arg functions swim and quack, then it is probably a duck.

The claimed benefits are (a) not having to worry about types, and (b) decreased coupling because interfaces are implied. But the downsides are substantial. I want to focus on two downsides that seem seldom discussed.

  1. Listing types provide structured, easy-to-glean documentation, a practice that duck typing countermands.
  2. Because users can pass instances of any types, tests must cover arbitrary inputs.

I’ll discuss these through a real example.

A matrix algorithm

You devised some clever matrix algorithm that operates on two matrices and outputs a third. After putting your paper on arXiv, you implement it in three languages—Java, Scala, and Python.

import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.IndArray;
public class MyAlgorithm {
    public Matrix calculate(IndArray matrixA, IndArray matrixB) {
        // some fancy things...
        return finalMatrix;
import breeze.linalg.Matrix;
class MyAlgorithm {
  def calculate(matrixA: Matrix, matrixB: Matrix): Matrix = {
    // some fancy things...
class MyAlgorithm:
    def calculate(self, matrix_a, matrix_b):
        # some fancy things...
        return final_matrix

In Java, the method takes two IndArray instances and outputs a third. If people read your paper, it’s clear how to use it. In Scala, the function takes two Breeze Matrices and outputs a matrix.

For the Python code, you realize that matrix_a isn’t clear to users. You don’t want them passing in lists of lists, so you add some documentation:

class MyAlgorithm:
    def calculate(self, matrix_a, matrix_b):
        Calculates on matrices a and b.

            matrix_a: A matrix, like Numpy’s (i.e., not a list of lists)
            matrix_b: A second matrix

            A matrix
        # some fancy things...

That looks Pythonic. Better to ask for forgiveness than permission.

Then, you write some tests. In fact, you test your code with Numpy ndarray, PySpark matrices, and Polars DataFrames. That’s three times the work of your Java and Scala implementations, but at least you’re safe and sound.

A year later, a PhD student in a dark room finds your lovely Python library. It’s got 450 GitHub stars, so it must be good. She incorporates it into her own code, which she’s already written tests for. She’s not testing your code—nor should she. She assumes it works. She gets an answer—a reasonable-looking matrix, and it gets published. Of course, it’s wrong.

What happened? Somewhere in calculate is this code:

def calculate(self, matrix_a, matrix_b):
    # some fancy things
    final_matrix = matrix_a_prime * matrix_b_prime
    return final_matrix

You assumed element-wise multiplication because thats what Numpy ndarray does. The matrix library she used defines __mul__ as matrix multiplication. That’s not her fault. Maybe you can improve the documentation:

def calculate(matrix_a, matrix_b):
    Calculates on matrices a and b.

        matrix_a: A matrix; must define the following methods:
                  `__mul__`: Matrix multiplication
                  `__add__`: Elementwise addition
                  `__len__`: Number of rows
                  `__item__`: Takes a tuple (row, column) and returns the value
        matrix_b: A second matrix with the same methods

        A matrix
    # some fancy things...
    return matrix_a * matrix_b

Ok, it got out of hand. We’ve made a lot of work for ourselves writing docs and tests, made an unreadable mess of documentation, and still failed to over all possible libraries that follow the documented semantics. But it really wasn’t your fault; you were writing Pythonic code and following duck typing.

In contrast, our Scala code was easy to test, and it’s easy to understand how to use at a glance.

import breeze.linalg.Matrix;
class MyAlgorithm {
  def calculate(matrixA: Matrix, matrixB: Matrix): Matrix = {
    // some fancy things...
    matrixAPrime * matrixBPrime

When documentation is rendered, it shows that matrixA and matrixB are both breeze.linalg.Matrix. Upon seeing the method signature, a user could read up about how Breeze matrices works. Alternatively, they could skip that – because you, as the library author, are certifying that your code works with Breeze matrices. If they’re using matrices of another library, they can write an adapter.

import breeze.linalg.Matrix;

class GooborToBreezeMatrixAdapter extends Matrix {
  def *(other: GooborMatrix): GooborMatrix = this.matrixMultiply(other)
Note – Scala structural typing

Scala supports true compile-time structural typing. You could easily rewrite calculate like this:

type Matrix = {
  def rows: Int
  def cols: Int
  def +(other: Matrix): Matrix
  def *(other: Matrix): Matrix
class MyAlgorithm {
  def calculate(matrixA: Matrix, matrixB: Matrix): Matrix = {
    // some fancy things...
    matrixAPrime * matrixBPrime
This can be useful, but perhaps not here (because * is ambiguous).

Example 2: Lets break quack

Let’s consider a much simpler example. A quack function could behave in at least two ways:

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Duck:
    name: str
    quacking: bool = False

    def quack(self) -> None:
        self.quacking = True  # (1)!
  1. Make this duck quack.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Self

@dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True)
class Duck:
    name: str
    quacking: bool = False

    def quack(self) -> Self:
        return Duck(quacking=True)  # (1)!
  1. Return a new duck that’s quacking.

When using this function, how do you call it? You have two options.

def do_something_with_ducks(duck):
def do_something_with_ducks(duck):
    duck = duck.quack()

In fact, what really matters is the behavior of the duck, not whether it’s a duck. Knowing (or suspecting) that it’s a duck is not enough; you need to know how the duck-like object behaves. As Alex Martelli (the author of Python in a Nutshell) wrote in an email thread:


Amen, hallelujah. You don’t really care for IS-A – you really only care for BEHAVES-LIKE-A- […], so, if you do test, this behaviour is what you should be testing for Alex Martelli