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Linux setup

A setup guide for programmers, etc., on Linux and the Windows Linux Subsystem. Alternatives for Ubuntu/Debian-like and Fedora/RedHat-like are shown.


Follow the instructions that show up to install. In Ubuntu, select “Default installation” and check “Install third-party software for graphics and Wi-Fi hardware” and “Download and install support for additional media formats”.

If you need encryption, TPM-backed FDE is a potential option. Support in Ubuntu and Fedora is experimental (as of October 2023). I have not tested it.

UEFI troubleshooting

If you get an error installing GRUB, try these steps:

  • Disable Fast Boot.
  • Disable Secure Boot. Also, check to see if CSM/Legacy options is disabled.
  • Manually install the bootloader (not recommended).
  • Read about Linux and UEFI for more troubleshooting.

Choose a partition scheme

Use Btrfs.

Btrfs is a copy-on-write option and is now much more robust than ext4. See the btrfs documentation.

Use a swap partition the same size as your RAM.

There’s an adage that it’s important for emergency memory – in case your main memory runs out. Meanwhile, mavericks insist on skipping it altogether, pointing out that using it for emergency memory would render a system excessively slow. Linux uses swap space as a complement to memory by swapping out infrequently used pages. You should definitely use it, but it probably doesn’t need to fit more than your memory.

For single-user systems, skip /home in favor of /files.

/home will probably fill with miscellaneous configuration and even temp data that doesn’t need to be backed up. It’s probably even best to discard such files when upgrading or installing a new distro. So, leave /home in the root partition and use another mount point like /data or /files instead.

Skip the /boot partition.

It’s not needed on a modern UEFI system.

For workstations, consider separate /tmp and /var/tmp.

Things like an inefficient SQL query can quickly take hundreds of gigabytes in /tmp. If /tmp is in your root partition, this can brick your system, and you might have to boot to a flash drive to clean up the system. If /tmp is a separate partition, filling it up won’t leave your system unbootable. Of course, consider the tradeoff. The same goes for /var/tmp (more or less). If mounted as separate partitions, mount with noexec.

Example 1 – single 4 TB NVMe SSD
drive(s) mount point size (GB) format purpose
nvme0 (efi) 2 FAT32
nvme0 (swap) 54 swap
nvme0 / 256 btrfs
nvme0 /tmp 128 btrfs
nvme0 /var/tmp 256 btrfs
nvme0 /data 3 400 btrfs Data and documents
Example 2 – two 4 TB NVMe SSDs
drive(s) mount point size (GB) format purpose
nvme0 (efi) 2 FAT32
nvme0 (swap) 54 swap
nvme0 / 256 btrfs
nvme0 /tmp 128 btrfs
nvme0 /var/tmp 256 btrfs
nvme0 /scratch 3 400 btrfs Working data
nvme1 /data 4 096 btrfs Data and document
sda1 /bak/root 256 btrfs Image of root
sda2 /bak/data 5 888 btrfs Backups of /data
Example 3 – three 2 TB NVMe and two 4 TB SATA SSDs
drive(s) mount point size (GB) format purpose
nvme0 (efi) 1 FAT32
nvme0 (swap) 128 swap
nvme0 / 1 408 btrfs
nvme0 /tmp 256 btrfs
nvme0 /var/tmp 256 btrfs
nvme1 /scratch 2 048 btrfs Ultra-fast scratch
nvme2 /home 2 048 btrfs Fast user data
sda /lake 4 096 btrfs Frozen data (raid 0)
sdb /lake 4 096 btrfs Frozen data (raid 0)
sdc1 /bak/root 1 408 btrfs Image of root
sdc2 /bak/lake 2 048 btrfs Backups of /home
sdc3 /bak/home 2 048 btrfs Backups of /lake

Update and reboot

bash sudo apt update && reboot

bash sudo dnf update && reboot

Enable kernel modules


sudo modprobe sha256

Set mount options

  • Add noatime everywhere. Access timestamps (atime) are written using the default option, relatime. This makes a lot of otherwise-unnecessary writes, degrading performance.
  • Add noacl everywhere. There’s probably no performance gain to disable ACL, but you almost definitely don’t need it.
  • Add noexec, nodev, and nosuid to /tmp and /var/tmp (if they exist).

Consider compression.

btrfs can compress data at rest and in transit. Whether to use lzo, zstd, or no compression depends primarily on the (uncompressed) throughput: Use heavier compression to compensate for slow IO, and use lighter compression for fast IO. Use no compression if the CPU is already the bottleneck. See benchmarks for btrfs compression. Here are my recommendations:

  • compression=off for NVMe SSDs
  • compression=lzo for SATA-connected SSDs
  • compression=zstd:3 for SATA-connected HDDs and USB-connected SSDs or HHDs


Sometimes filesystems cannot be mounted with compress, presumably for any number of reasons.


Make sure to follow the steps below to verify that your fstab is valid and useable.

Edit fstab

Following these rules, the fstab for “Example scheme 1 – single-user workstation” might look like this:

# filesystem     mount      type   options                            d p
.../by-uuid/...  none       swap   sw                                 0 1
.../by-uuid/...  /boot/efi  vfat   defaults                           0 1
.../by-uuid/...  /tmp       btrfs  noatime,noacl,noexec,nodev,nosuid  0 1
.../by-uuid/...  /var/tmp   btrfs  noatime,noacl,noexec,nodev,nosuid  0 1
.../by-uuid/...  /          btrfs  noatime,noacl                      0 1
.../by-uuid/...  /data      btrfs  noatime,noacl,compress=lzo         0 1
.../by-uuid/...  /bak       btrfs  noatime,noacl,compress=zstd:3      0 1

Before rebooting, verify that your changes are probably ok by running

mount --fake --all --verbose


sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo findmnt --fstab --verify --verbose

Then reboot and see the results by running

cat /etc/mtab

Install packages

Open a terminal and enter the following commands to install the necessary packages:

First, enable the Universe repository:

sudo add-apt-repository universe -y
sudo apt install -y git vim curl wget xz-utils brotli lzma zstd iotop
sudo apt install -y eza  # (1)!
sudo apt install -y libncurses-dev
sudo apt install -y build-essential cmake
sudo apt install -y zsh
sudo apt install -y gnome-tweaks
sudo apt install asdf  # (2)!
sudo apt install -y flatpak  # (3)!
  1. exa is deprecated; use eza instead.
  2. asdf is a version manager for tools.
  3. Flatpak is a distro-independent package manager for Linux.
sudo dnf update && sudo dnf -y upgrade
sudo dnf install -y git vim curl wget xz-utils brotli lzma zstd iotop
sudo dnf install -y eza  # (1)!
  sudo dnf install -y ncurses-devel
  sudo dnf install -y make automake gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel cmake
sudo dnf install -y zsh
sudo dnf install -y gnome-tweaks
sudo dnf install -y asdf  # (2)!
sudo dnf install -y flatpak  # (3)!
  1. exa is deprecated; use eza instead.
  2. asdf is a version manager for tools.
  3. Flatpak is a distro-independent package manager for Linux.

Install the GitHub CLI per the official GH Linux install instructions. After following the instructions, run gh auth login.

Set up firewall

sudo ufw enable

Fedora should come with firewalld installed and enabled by default.

Allow SSH login

Install ssh to allow for remote logins.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install openssh-server
sudo ufw allow 22

Consider using dotfiles

I recommend chezmoi for managing dotfiles and installing it via apt/dnf or asdf. After installing, follow the quick start guide. Use ~/.commonrc for all chezmoi commands; e.g. chezmoi add ~/.commonrc.


Eza and Nerd fonts

Download one or more Nerd fonts. Then run

gh release download --dir nerd/ --repo ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/ -p '*.zip'
for f in 'nerd/*.zip'; do sudo unzip '$f' -d /usr/local/share/fonts; done

Set your terminal font to your preferred Nerd font. (I personally recommend Source Code Pro, Noto, JetBrains Mono, Ubuntu Mono, or IBM Plex Mono.) In Tilix, this is a per-profile setting called “Custom font”. Now you can run

eza --icons

Tilix warning

I have repeatedly encountered nondescript Tilix warnings on fresh OS installs. So far, I have not noticed any resulting issues.

Gnome extensions and date/time

In GNOME’s settings, set the time format to 24-hour and make sure Automatic Data and Time is selected. Also install extensions:

sudo apt install gnome-browser-connector
sudo dnf install gnome-browser-connector

Then open and install the browser extension. I recommend installing:

  • Force Quit
  • Panel Date Format After installing, run
    dconf write /org/gnome/shell/extensions/panel-date-format/format "'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'"

Nautilus favorites

To remove the favorites for Videos, Music, etc. that Nautilus forces on you, run this script:

echo '
# This file was created manually.

# Keep these:
XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR="$HOME/Desktop" # (1)!

# Exclude these:
' > ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs

# Create a user-dirs.conf file to prevent automatic updates
echo '
# We created ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs manually
# Prevent xdg-user-dirs-update from overwriting it
' > ~/.config/user-dirs.conf
  1. Change back to XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR="$HOME/Downloads" if you want downloads separate.
Workaround if this doesn’t work.

This might work instead.

echo '
# This file was created manually.

# Keep these:

# Exclude these:
' > ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs

# Create a user-dirs.conf file to prevent automatic updates
echo '
# We created ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs manually
# Prevent xdg-user-dirs-update from overwriting it
' > ~/.config/user-dirs.conf

The following script will add bookmarks (though you can also do this in Nautilus). Example usage: ~/bin/ data=/data/ docs=/docs/

After running it, restart Nautilus to apply the settings:

nautilus -q

Install Oh My Zsh

You’ll thank me later. (You’ll need ZSH installed for this to work.)

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

You should be prompted to change your shell. If you are not, run

chsh -s $(which zsh)

Make sure it is set by running

sudo cat /etc/passwd | grep ${USER}

You may need to reboot for the change to your login shell to take effect. You should now have a colorful shell, complete with a plugin for Git.

.commonrc file

To keep the config for ZSH and Bash consistent, add a file called .commonrc in your home directory:

echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH\n' > ~/.commonrc
echo 'source ~/.commonrc\n' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'source ~/.commonrc\n' >> ~/.bashrc

From here on, only modify .commonrc so that both Bash and ZSH have the same environment.

Git, SSH, and GPG

See this guide.

Install Java and Rust

First, Install the Rust toolchain.

Then, download JDK 21 from Temurin. Do not use Java 8,, or OpenJDK. Make sure it’s on your $PATH by running java --version in a new shell.

Generate a certificate

If you need a certificate, set a static IP address and generate a certificate with certbot. Choose “None of the above” for Software. Then follow the instructions exactly, including the “Automating renewal” section. This may not work through some company and university firewalls.


The easiest way is to run

su  #(1)!
usermod -aG sudo $USER
  1. This will require you to enter the root password.

See this sudoers guide for more info.


Make a ~/bin directory and add it to your $PATH in .commonrc:

mkdir ~/bin && echo 'export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.commonrc

Consider grabbing some Bash scripts from awesome-dotfiles. Clone your chosen dotfiles repo into ~/bin. I put some aliases and functions directly in my .commonrc:


Thank you to Cole Helsell for drafting this guide with me.