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Setup guides

OS setup guides


Use as a checklist to avoid forgetting a step. These also include some advanced recommendations.

Linux: Firmware issues, GRUB bugs, advanced partitioning, compression, workarounds, CUDA, …

macOS: Security, settings, Brew, ZSH, …

Windows: Package managers, services, updates, drivers, utils, WLS, …

Nix shells: ZSH, shell config, and dot files (referenced by other guides)

Git, SSH, and GPG: Git, GitHub, SSH, GPG, and signed commits (referenced by other guides)


Research projects: Suggestions for organizing computational research projects

Various software

Arduino: Bash scripts to download and install arduino

ffmpeg: Bash scripts to download, build, and install ffmpeg with extensions

Mamba and Conda-Forge: Instructions for MicroMamba and Conda-Forge

MariaDB: Advanced configuration for MariaDB, and installing it as non-root

Downloads Miscellaneous useful Bash functions and aliases I use Script that finds TODO and FIXME comments.