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Java conventions

Refer to Google’s Java style guide for additional recommendations.


Banned features

These features are banned:

  • clone() and Cloneable
  • finalize()
  • System.gc()
  • labels (e.g. outer_loop: for ...)
  • notify() and wait()
  • synchronized methods (synchronize on blocks instead)
  • non-final or mutable static fields (with very limited exceptions as needed)


Forgo comments or Javadoc elements that are superfluous or included out of habit or convention. Remove any text that is obvious, repetitious, unclear, or wrong.

Examples of good and bad comments:

  • @return Result; -1 if {@code list} is empty (edge case)
  • // skip sort because gatorx sorts incidentally (not a mistake)
  • // yes, we really do want to add 1 here (not a mistake)
  • // This block is a bit tricky: ... (explain difficult code)
  • 🟨 // == Algorithm start == (usually better to split the method)
  • @return A String (only out of habit/convention)
  • // set x equal to 5 (obvious)
  • created by Kerri Johnson (superfluous to Git)
  • created on 2022-10-27 (superfluous to Git)


Both checked and unchecked exceptions are fine. Avoid throwing general types like RuntimeException.


As a general guideline, constructors should map arguments transparently to fields. If more complex functionality needs to happen to construct the object, move it to a factory, builder, or static factory method.

Optional types


Although the Java developers may not have originally intended such widespread usage, it makes code much more clear and much more robust.

Don’t return null or accept null as an argument in public methods; use Optional<> instead. null is permitted in non-public code to improve performance.


Prefer collections to arrays unless doing so causes significant performance issues.

Immutability and records

Prefer immutable types, and use records for data-carrier-like classes. In general: Immutable classes must have only final fields and should not allow modification (except by reflection); constructors should make defensive copies, and getters should return defensive copies or views. This may not always be the appropriate choice, such as in places where performance is paramount.

Getters, setters, and builder methods

Use getXx()/setXx() for mutable types but Xx() for immutable types:

  • For mutable types: name the getter public double getAngle() (get-style naming)
  • For immutable types: name the getter public double angle() (record-style naming)

Builder methods should follow the immutable convention (i.e. angle()).



IntelliJ can do this for you. Use the StringJoiner toString template.

Classes should typically override toString and use this template:

public class Claz {

    private final String name;
    private final List<String> items;

    public Test(String name, List<String> items) { = name;
        this.items = new ArrayList<>(items);

    public String toString() {
        return new StringJoiner(", ", Test.class.getSimpleName() + '[', "]")
            .add("name='" + name + '\'')
            .add("items=" + items)



IntelliJ can do this for you. Use the default hashCode template.

Most classes should override hashCode and equals. hashCode should use this template:

public class Claz {
    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(field1, field2); // ...



IntelliJ can do this for you. Use the provided hashCode and equals templates.

equals() may use either

  • universal equality, where equals() returns false for incompatible types
  • multiversal equality, where equals() throws an exception for incompatible types

In some languages, type safety of equality can be checked by the compiler. Scala 3 has type-safe multiversal equality.

Use getClass() to check type compatibility, not instanceof. (For universal equality, only getClass() makes sense – and for multiversal equality, there is no difference.) Additionally, subclasses of classes defining equals() should never add data or state.

Universal equality

For universal equality, use this template:

public class Claz {

  private final String name;
  private final List<String> items;

  public int hashCode() {
    return Objects.hash(name, items);

  public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
    if (obj == this) {
      return true;
    if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
      return false;
    final var o = (Claz) obj;
    return Objects.equals(name, && Objects.equals(items, o.items);
IntelliJ template for universal equality

Use this IntellJ template. Under Generate ➤ equals() and hashCode() ➤ … make a new template called universal.

equals() template:

public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (obj == this) {
return true;
if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
final var o = (${class.getName()}) obj;
return ##
#set($i = 0)
#foreach($field in $fields)
#if ($i > 0)
&& ##
#set($i = $i + 1)
#if ($field.primitive)
#if ($field.double || $field.float)
#addDoubleFieldComparisonConditionDirect($field) ##
#addPrimitiveFieldComparisonConditionDirect($field) ##
#elseif ($field.enum)
#addPrimitiveFieldComparisonConditionDirect($field) ##
#elseif ($field.array)
java.util.Arrays.equals($field.accessor, obj.$field.accessor)##
java.util.Objects.equals($field.accessor, obj.$field.accessor)##

hashCode() template:

public int hashCode() {
#if (!$superHasHashCode && $fields.size()==1 && $fields[0].array)
return java.util.Arrays.hashCode($fields[0].accessor);
#set($hasArrays = false)
#set($hasNoArrays = false)
#foreach($field in $fields)
#if ($field.array)
#set($hasArrays = true)
#set($hasNoArrays = true)
#if (!$hasArrays)
return java.util.Objects.hash(##
#set($i = 0)
super.hashCode() ##
#set($i = 1)
#foreach($field in $fields)
#if ($i > 0)
, ##
$field.accessor ##
#set($i = $i + 1)
#set($resultName = $helper.getUniqueLocalVarName("result", $fields, $settings))
#set($resultAssigned = false)
#set($resultDeclarationCompleted = false)
int $resultName ##
= java.util.Objects.hash(##
#set($i = 0)
super.hashCode() ##
#set($i = 1)
#foreach($field in $fields)
#if ($i > 0)
, ##
$field.accessor ##
#set($i = $i + 1)
#set($resultAssigned = true)
#set($resultDeclarationCompleted = true)
= super.hashCode(); ##
#set($resultAssigned = true)
#set($resultDeclarationCompleted = true)
#foreach($field in $fields)
#if ($resultDeclarationCompleted)
$resultName ##
= ##
#if ($resultAssigned)
31 * $resultName + ##
#set($resultAssigned = true)
#set($resultDeclarationCompleted = true)
return $resultName;

Multiversal equality

For multiversal equality, use this template:

public class Claz {

    private final String name;
    private final List<String> items;

    public final int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(field1); // ...
    public final boolean equals(final Object obj) {
        if (o == this) {
            return true;
        if (o == null) {
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Type " + obj.getClass().getName()
                  + " is incompatible with "
                  + getClass().getName()
        final var o = (Claz) obj;
        return Objects.equals(name, && Objects.equals(items, o.items);
IntelliJ template for multiversal equality

Use this IntellJ template. Under Generate ➤ equals() and hashCode() ➤ … make a new template called universal.

equals() template:

public final boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (obj == this) {
return true;
if (null == obj) {
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Type "
+ obj.getClass().getName()
+ " is incompatible with "
+ getClass().getName()
final var o = (${class.getName()}) obj;
return ##
#set($i = 0)
#foreach($field in $fields)
#if ($i > 0)
&& ##
#set($i = $i + 1)
#if ($field.primitive)
#if ($field.double || $field.float)
#addDoubleFieldComparisonConditionDirect($field) ##
#addPrimitiveFieldComparisonConditionDirect($field) ##
#elseif ($field.enum)
#addPrimitiveFieldComparisonConditionDirect($field) ##
#elseif ($field.array)
java.util.Arrays.equals($field.accessor, obj.$field.accessor)##
java.util.Objects.equals($field.accessor, obj.$field.accessor)##

hashCode() template:

public int hashCode() {
#if (!$superHasHashCode && $fields.size()==1 && $fields[0].array)
return java.util.Arrays.hashCode($fields[0].accessor);
#set($hasArrays = false)
#set($hasNoArrays = false)
#foreach($field in $fields)
#if ($field.array)
#set($hasArrays = true)
#set($hasNoArrays = true)
#if (!$hasArrays)
return java.util.Objects.hash(##
#set($i = 0)
super.hashCode() ##
#set($i = 1)
#foreach($field in $fields)
#if ($i > 0)
, ##
$field.accessor ##
#set($i = $i + 1)
#set($resultName = $helper.getUniqueLocalVarName("result", $fields, $settings))
#set($resultAssigned = false)
#set($resultDeclarationCompleted = false)
int $resultName ##
= java.util.Objects.hash(##
#set($i = 0)
super.hashCode() ##
#set($i = 1)
#foreach($field in $fields)
#if ($i > 0)
, ##
$field.accessor ##
#set($i = $i + 1)
#set($resultAssigned = true)
#set($resultDeclarationCompleted = true)
= super.hashCode(); ##
#set($resultAssigned = true)
#set($resultDeclarationCompleted = true)
#foreach($field in $fields)
#if ($resultDeclarationCompleted)
$resultName ##
= ##
#if ($resultAssigned)
31 * $resultName + ##
#set($resultAssigned = true)
#set($resultDeclarationCompleted = true)
return $resultName;


Immutable classes should implement Comparable and override compareTo as long as it is reasonable. compareTo should be marked final.

switch and pattern matching

Only use enhanced switch statements.


final for variables, method arguments, catch arguments, try resources, etc., is optional. If a final was already added, don’t remove it without cause.

Optional syntax

In general, omit any syntax elements that are not required. This includes any that have no effect at runtime, excluding comments and annotations.

This includes:

  • Optional grouping parentheses
  • Optional qualifiers this and super
  • Same/inner/outer class names when accessing within the same file
  • Unnecessary qualifiers, such as abstract on interface methods
  • Explicit .toString()

Variable declarations

Declare variables when they are needed, not at the start of a block. Use var if the type is either obvious or unimportant. In main methods, use String... args.


Use prettier-java with: - 4 spaces for indentation - print width of 120



Use // for multiline comments instead of /* */, unless the comment spans many lines (i.e. more than 20).


Write non-ASCII characters without escaping, except characters that are likely to confuse readers.


Always add .0 to floats (e.g. double x = 2.0 * pi) and prefix with 0. (e.g. double x = 0.001). Digit grouping with _ is optional; use it only for amounts or quantities, not identifiers.


Follow Google’s Java naming conventions. Notably, treat acronyms as words – for example, CobolError, not COBOLError. You may alter this practice if needed to maintain consistency with an extant convention; in particular, for IO (e.g. in IOException). Name asynchronous methods (those that return a CompletableFuture) with the suffix Async; for example, calculateAsync().

Member ordering


I don’t recommend sorting members retroactively because it can result in large diffs.


IntelliJ can do this for you. Import the IntelliJ formatter settings. To set manually, choose the default order and enable “keep getters and setters together”.

Sort members by the following rules. Note that these rules are similar to most existing conventions, including IntelliJ’s default.

  1. static final field
  2. initializer
  3. field
  4. constructor
  5. static method
  6. method
  7. getter/setter
  8. equals, hashCode, and toString (in order)
  9. enum, interface, static class, class (in order)

Always pair associated getters and setters (getter first). Within each of the 10 types, sort by decreasing visibility. Optionally: Consider subsequently sorting methods so that callers are above callees in a breadth-first manner, or by another natural ordering.